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CARNIVAL PICTURES FEB 28th, 2025 (Junior, Intermediate & Senior) & MAR 1st, 2025 (Pre-Can, Can & Solo's)

Skate Wheatley Skaters Code of Conduct

The goal of this code is to provide skaters with a standard of behaviour and conduct while representing Skate Wheatley.
Each skater is responsible for being aware of, and practicing, the rules of etiquette and safety as noted in this document.
This Code of Conduct must be followed during all training sessions, as well as exhibitions, competitions and all other events Skate Wheatley is participating in.

General Conduct:
• Skaters will conduct themselves respectfully during all interactions in, surrounding and regarding Skate Wheatley activities.
• Skaters will use positive discipline that includes listening, problem solving, encouraging and being a good example. Skaters will not use harmful methods such as, but not limited to, hitting, name-calling, yelling or using insults, intimidation, or rejection. Skaters will act in a kind and judicious manner.
• Skaters will be respectful of all coaches, fellow skaters, parents, volunteers, arena staff and board members.

Behaviour on the Ice:
• Skaters are expected to be skating at all times while on the ice, and get up promptly after a fall in order to keep the ice clear for other skaters.
• The ice surface should be used for practice, not for conversation. Working in small group with a coach’s approval is acceptable. • When practicing solos or routines, skaters must move around other skaters and still do jumps, spins and footwork successfully. The skater whose music is playing has the right of way.
• Skaters must follow the session schedule unless in a lesson with their coach.

Skate Wheatley Parent Code of Conduct 
Skate Canada and Skate Wheatley are committed to ensuring that all skaters have the opportunity to participate in a safe and welcoming environment that is encouraging and promotes their overall development. Parents have an enormous inFluence on skaters’ experiences in the sport. The quality of a skater’s experience is determined by their relationship with their parents and the manner in which parents conduct themselves around their own child, other skaters and members of Skate Wheatley and while in the Skate Canada environment. This code applies to all parents who have children who are members of Skate Canada. Parents shall abide by this code at all times while participating in any Skate Wheatley/Skate Canada activity.
• Parents are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner consistent with the values of fair play, integrity, open communication and mutual respect.
• Parents shall always model positive and responsible behaviour. Parents will assume responsibility for their son/daughter’s on ice conduct and attitude.
• Parents shall at all times treat all individuals and property with dignity, courtesy and respect, including skaters, coaches, ofFicials, volunteers, other parents, arena staff and all other individuals that are part of the club or Skate Canada.
• Parents shall refrain from any behaviour, or comments, which are profane, insulting, harassing, sexist, racist, disrespectful or derogatory.
• Parents shall emphasize the importance of values such as sportsmanship, respect, cooperation, competition, and teamwork to their child, offering praise for competing fairly, participation and skill development.
• Parents, along with the coach and skater, shall be considered members of a team whose main concern is the child’s overall progress and development.
• Spectators, including parents, may watch quietly from the stands or seating area – not by the boards – and must refrain from conversing with or offering directions to skaters on the ice.
• Parents shall never provide or advocate the use of alcohol, drugs or performance enhancing drugs or substances.
• Parents shall adhere to the policies, procedures, rules, standards and ethics of Skate Canada at all times.

Disciplinary Action 
Skate Wheatley will only commence Disciplinary Action when a written letter of complaint is forwarded to the Board. This letter will be reviewed by the committee as a whole. Upon receiving a written letter of complaint outlining a violation of the Code Of Conduct, the Skate Wheatley Board will proceed with the following disciplinary action:

 1st Offence:
Verbal warning by the skater’s coach or the Skate Wheatley Board of Directors. The skater’s parent/guardian will be informed of the warning if the skater is under the age of majority.

 2nd Offence:
Letter from the Skate Wheatley Board will be addressed to the skater and parent/guardian outlining the nature of the violation.

3rd Offence:
Suspension from all club programs without compensation for one week. This includes all competitions and test days. Written complaints relating to misconduct of spectators/parents/guardians may result in suspension from the arena.

4th Offence:
Skater may be asked to the leave the club at the Board’s discretion.